Thursday, October 28, 2010

Meme: An educational blog on an Internet sensation

This blog will go over some of the images or threads you might find with the same kind of picture background, different colors and a symbol in the center; more than likely a character's face or a real person's.

An Internet meme is best described by the Encyclopedia Dramatica:

"The word meme (pronounced meem) is a term coined by Richard Dawkins in his book The Selfish Gene. Originally used to describe packets of cultural information, it was adopted by the internet to describe viral lulz or Frunz. Its original meaning is no longer used except by sociology majors. In short, memes are just inside jokes for people who have no friends with whom to have real inside jokes."

By any means this is not factual information, Richard Dawkins is also part of the Internet popularity phenomena. Everybody loves him because he calmly said "Science is interesting, and if you don't agree, you can f**k off" in his English accent.

The meme of this blog is my personal favorite. It was also the first "meme" I saw that opened my eyes to a different dimension of Internet. He is Foul Bachelor Frog.

The Foul Bachelor Frog is what it presents itself to be: A male who is single, in college and extremely disgusting and lazy.

He is everything that encompasses a poor student living in a slum apartment with a messy room. Imagine, if you will, "Animal House" with John Belushi living in a dump fraternity house.

Using every pop culture tag line, slogan and phrases to bring the Foul Bachelor Frog's lifestyle to feel more contemporary.

Most of these memes are incredibly accurate, almost as if the person who made the phrase in the meme was from past experiences. They are hilarious because any of them can be true if someone was in fact that foul.

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