Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Don't believe anything you see

The first quote underneath the /b/ section is quoted:

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."

In essence, don't click on anything or visit any links if you want your computer to stay safe. If you have anti-virus software, good! If you do not have any sort of Internet security feature, then don't visit 4chan (namely /b/) if you don't want your computer filled with computer viruses from all around the globe.

Sometimes, people will post a link to their viewing room where they are streaming a movie from their computer. A lot of instances, these movies will still be in theaters with a camera setup to the projector screen. Other times, they will be digital copies straight from the digital movie projector. The only difficulty with watching these live streams is that you might jump into the middle of the movie and have no idea what is going on (especially if you haven't seen it before).

The P.S.A brought to you by the letter "N", and say No to sketchy links.

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